
Turnout switch (117)

Shoe thrower (4)

The intersection is blind (5)

Other products (15)

Resetting arrow (2)

Equalization joint (8)

Single exit (7)

Cross congress (7)

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Attention! Dear visitors, the materials on the site are for advertising and informational purposes only and do not constitute a public or other offer on the basis of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The catalog on the website cannot fully convey reliable information about the configuration and characteristics of the product. Information about the technical characteristics of goods indicated on the website may be changed unilaterally by the manufacturer and supplier. Images of goods in photographs, or the design of a specific switch product presented in the catalog on the website, may differ from the original product. Due to changes in exchange rates and supplier prices, the price of switch products may change. Please check prices by phone and through the feedback form available on our website with our managers.