Equalization joint SP848.000

Designed to compensate for longitudinal temperature deformations of rail strands adjacent to welded turnouts operating as part of a seamless track. It must protect the pointer and crosspiece of the turnout from mutual displacement of their elements. It is used on tracks of 1st and 2nd class railway lines with mixed freight and passenger train traffic. Installed both for two rail threads and for a single rail thread (depending on the version). Fastening to the base through embedded bolts or through screw-dowel fastening (depending on the version). The wits are hardened by HDTV. Rails and movable rails are volume-hardened.

Track width, mm 1520
Total length, mm 12500
Maximum static load on rail, kN 245
Maximum speed, km/h
passenger trains 250
freight trains 100
Standard resource before withdrawal, million tons 320
Maximum compensated longitudinal movement, mm ±.50
Maximum length of shipping space, mm 12500
Maximum weight of shipping item, t 1,25
Weight (without bars), and no more 2,6